Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Day 2: I hate the ruffle maker

I understand that running into problems at every corner is the whole idea of this project but i just wish everything went smoothly. Firstly we had no idea what to do with the skirt, should we make it into harem pants, skinny pants or play it save and keep it a skirt. If we were to make it into any sort of pant our first obstacle would be the stupid ruffle about 3/4 of the way down the skirt, i hate whoever put forward the idea for this ruffle. We could solve the problem by doing a bad job and cutting off the ruffle, unstitch this bit of material from the rest of the skirt and re-attach without the ruffle or have stupid looking pants.
This stupid ruffle sticks out and ruins the pattern
Ok so the ruffle was getting on our nerves so we decided to play it safe and keep the skirt, so were turning a skirt and a top into, a skirt and a top...did Vivienne Westwood ever have this problem?!
Brainwaves suddenly hit! We turned the skirt upside down and put about a billion pleats into it to make a new waistline. Although its starting to look like a genies outfit were proud to have changed it in a good way, but there is still time for us to go daring and change the skirt into pants, especially since turning it upside down means the skirt looks a lot fuller.
The pleats that took me forever to do!
What use to be the top of the skirt...transformed!
Now onto the top half of our outfit... so were sticking with the crop top theme throughout or collection but we don't just want to cut the bottom off and be done with it, so just as a trial run we've pinned up the bottom half and scooped it around the back and because of the size of it, it should flow nicely down the catwalk if kept the way it is now. I pinned the sides in so it has more shape to it. The best bit is we've taken the theme of pleats from the bottom half of the outfit and used it in the top half, putting 3 pleats on the neck line so it looks more interesting and a pleat on each of the straps.
scooped back of the cropped top
Pleated neckline and pleated straps
 The next thing were thinking of is that it needs a splash of colour, tribal is suppose to have bold prints mismatched but so far all we have is a black and white outfit with animal print. Disappointing. We were thinking weaving green fabric together to make leaves and putting them on the shoulders, or fringing in the same place, maybe even both! We also have a thick gold chain to use as a belt, or we could use a coloured belt of feathers...I'm stuck!!
The outfit...so far
The Designs

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